Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cyprus Mohair

I decided, for some reason, to start a new project last night. I couldn't finish the tunic top that just needs to be sewn together, nor the great number of unfinished projects I have laying around the house. I picked up a skein of Cyprus Mohair that I've had for years, and that I've started many projects with that I've ripped out. Luckily, the yarn isn't completely ruined and I think I've finally found what I'm going to make with it. With just a simple woven-knit stitch, this cowl is to die for. I was just waiting to make the perfect piece and here it is:

1 Skein Feza Cyprus Mohair (176 yards)
Size 10 knitting needles

Note: Work all slipped stitches purlwise, in this pattern.

Cast on 28

Row 1: (k1, yif, sl1p, yib) to end of row
Row 2: (p1, yib, sl1p, yif) to end of row

repeat rows 1 & 2 to end of skein, or until desired length. Bind off. Fold piece in half, and sew cast off edge to cast on edge. Weave in all ends.

abbreviations: K= knit, p= purl, yif= move yarn to front (as if to purl), yib= move yarn to back (as if to knit), sl1p= slip 1 stitch purlwise